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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Word Perfect

Sometimes it's hard to find just the right word. 

Word Perfect

A plethora of Words enpeople my brain
Clamoring and crying an ancient refrain,
“Pick me, choose me, I am the one”
A quotidian word? Nah, that’s just no fun.

No ifs ands or buts, for this is the day
To pick Words packed with drama, yet small in their way
Like quest, lust, and prowl or love, tryst and star
One syllable Words that transport you afar
No time for Words that take up much space
They mean very little, but show a good face
You know what I mean, those exsufflicate boors
Pulchritudinous, brobdingnagian, sartorial whores

Words that can dance and never confuse,
Those are the ones that we humans should use
Or Words wrapped in senses and plush vibrant hues:
Like periwinkle, lavender, azure and chartreuse.

Languorous Words which are dusky and hazy
Stroll through the brain and make you feel lazy
Whimsical fripperies engendering tongue-tickles
Like when you say gewgaw, kerfuffle or pickles

But the Word for today, that one that I choose:
With yearning and hope and romance infused:
Casts Iridescent shadows and hearts free of strife:
Quixotically tilting at the windmills of life.


1 comment:

  1. Love it, but hard to find the perfect compliment for this one! Thankz for the shout-out to Chartreuse
