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Saturday, November 14, 2015

In Which a Plethora of Sex Dolls is Used Metaphorically

Measure for Measure at the Young Vic
October 19, 2015

300 sex dolls litter the stage
Bi-polar duke in a bit of a rage:
Angelo you are now head of the state,”
Morality is no longer up for debate.

Licentiousness and lust: forcibly restrained,
Juliet with child and Claudio detained.
A writ has been issued; the crime? copulating,
Death to them who are lawlessly populating.

Isabella importunes: “my brother you can free,”
Lord Angelo replies: I will...if you lie with me
The hypocrisy, the horror, the abuse of power
What this play needs is a Duke who’s a Friar.

Deus ex Machina can save the day!
A rejected lover enters the fray.
Trickery, diversion, sleight of hand
Brings Act V to its “happy” end.

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