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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Brave Heart: A poem about a dog I never met

Mutik means brave in Yidish

Brave Heart

Mutik the dog, we have never met,
But of my friend you are the pet.
I hear you are brave, strong and true,
A well-bred beast through and through.

Dogs of legend are few and rare…
Let’s discover if you compare:

Little Charlie fell into the well
Would you yelp and run and tell?

Barrels of brandy surround your neck
To save frostbit travelers on a dangerous trek?

Can you:
Pull the curtain, exposing the Wizard
As nothing more than a low-down lizard?

The Thin Man questions: if you has-ta,
Could you solve some crimes like Asta?

Would you:
Rescue your family as did Old Yeller?
Of course you would, you’re a gallant feller!

“Arf, yip, slobber, grrrr, slurp, bark,”
Mutik, the brave, has left his mark!

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