Monday Morning Monster
Anna awoke on Monday morning. Something was wrong. She felt
like a monster… wait, more like a vegetable. Literally.
She opened her eyes. She looked around the room. Her
eyesight was askew. Wherever she looked, the names and labels on her items
appeared backwards. She looked at her name on the wall, the one painted in
fancy letters in Hawaii. Her own name… her own name was spelled annA.
She tenderly got out of bed. She looked in the mirror. She
was shocked and dismayed. Her head was a gigantic raisin; her body a green and
rosy pear; her arms and legs green beans. Peas and pod for feet and toes.
She called her mother. “Mama,” she shrieked, “My body is a
pear!!! My head is a raisin.”
Her mother chided her. “Oh Anna, dear, you really shouldn’t
be so hard on yourself. You know, I heard that big butts are in. Gotta go… my
canasta group is about to start. Toodleoo…”
annA dragged herself to her closet. The labels on all her
clothing had reversed themselves. She put on a ecasreV dress and ymmiJ oohC
shoes and got her hcoaC bag. She wobbled
off to school.
When she arrived, all the well-heeled boys and girls taunted
annA. Hahahaha, where did you get that ecasreV dress and those ymmiJ oohC
shoes????? Did your clothes fall off a truck? No one noticed her raisin head or
her string bean legs. All day poor annA was subjected to the slings and arrows
of outraged fortunates.
By the end of the day, annA began to ripen. Comforted by her
friend, neraK, she wiggled herself home. They made dinner, drank a glass of
wine and did some stretches. And then annA and neraK started dancing-- they danced on the floor, they danced on
the walls, they danced on the ceiling. Neither one knew who started it.
“It is amazing how flexible a person with string bean legs
can be,” thought annA.
“Be careful warned” neraK, “you don’t want to turn yourself
into cider.”
But with each pli and jet, with each leap and slide,
annA began to change… until the end of the evening and after three quick-stops and
twelve dervish rolls, she plopped to the floor.
When she opened her eyes, she was beautiful Anna once again.
She crawled into bed and wondered what Tuesday would bring.
RQTA 4/27/2015
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